Design and Simulation of a 500W PSFB
In thisarticle, we’ll explain how to design it using Frenetic AI and as bonus, we willtalk about our patent for integrating the three magnetics in one.
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In thisarticle, we’ll explain how to design it using Frenetic AI and as bonus, we willtalk about our patent for integrating the three magnetics in one.
In thisarticle, we’ll explain how to design it using Frenetic AI and as bonus, we willtalk about our patent for integrating the three magnetics in one.
Optimizing transformer design for Dual Active Bridge converters with a focus on leakage inductance, core choice, and Frenetic’s simulation tool.
Optimizing transformer design for Dual Active Bridge converters with a focus on leakage inductance, core choice, and Frenetic’s simulation tool.
The Phase Shift Full Bridge (PSFB) topology is one of the most common topologies used in the industry for designs with power levels above 500W. The objective of this application note is to understand the most important parameters and design trade-offs to be taken.
The Phase Shift Full Bridge (PSFB) topology is one of the most common topologies used in the industry for designs with power levels above 500W. The objective of this application note is to understand the most important parameters and design trade-offs to be taken.
Start designing a Flyback in Frenetic Simulator. Tutorial developed for new users in the platform.
Start designing a Flyback in Frenetic Simulator. Tutorial developed for new users in the platform.
Optimize the wire suggestions algorithm, providing you with increased flexibility and accuracy in your designs
Optimize the wire suggestions algorithm, providing you with increased flexibility and accuracy in your designs
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