Last Updated: 9 Oct, 2023
● Company name: Frenetic Electronics, S.L. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter, "Frenetic")
● Tax Identification Number: B87193637
● Registered Office: Avenida de Cordoba 15, 4ºA1 E-28026 Madrid (Spain)
● Public Registry: Registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, volume 33139, folio 131,section 8, sheet M 596380.
● Telephone Number: +34 91 529 6007
● E-mail:
By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user (hereinafter, the “User” or, when appropriate, the “Users”) isinformed that the personal data processed through website hosted in the URL, the “Website”), deriving from the browsing activities of the User and those personal datathat he or she provides through the Website or through the online platform (hereinafter, the “Platform”)available in the Website, will be processed by FRENETIC.The User must carefully read this Privacy Policy, written plainly and in a simple way in order to enable abetter understanding of data processing so that User may freely and voluntarily determine whether heor she wishes to provide with his or her personal data to FRENETIC.
Data in the forms are necessary to fulfil the purpose of the processing, unless otherwise indicated in thecorresponding field of the form.Therefore, in case these data are not provided or are provided incorrectly, FRENETIC will not be able toperform the requested service. Despite this, the User may still be able to freely view some of the contentof the Website.
The personal data provided by the User through the Website and through the Platform will be processedby FRENETIC for the following purposes:
a) Managing the contractual relation with the User for the provision of the services rendered by FRENETIC:
• Manage the sign up and registration of the User in the Platform.
• Contact the User to remind him or her to finish the registration process, and/or tohelp him or her finish this process.
• Prevention and control of the use of the Platform with illegal or unauthorizedpurposes, whether with economic purposes or not.
• Analyze, manage and process incidents related to the provision of the servicesprovided by FRENETIC to the User.
• Sending of transactional communications related to the account of the User in thePlatform or its availability.
b) Answering the inquiries made by the Users through the channels provided for this purpose:Manage, process and answer the petitions, requests, incidents, claims and inquiries made bythe User through the channels provided for this purpose.
c) Sending of commercial communications: Sending of commercial communications to the User,regarding products and services of FRENETIC, by electronic and conventional means, as longas the User does not express his or her objection to receive them.
d) Profiling: Profiling the User, using both FRENETIC own sources and third-party sources, inorder to offer products and services to the User in accordance to our classification, when theUser consents checking the corresponding checkbox.
The following personal data of the User may be processed:
• Identifying data: name, surname.
• Contact details: email address, telephone number, postal address and billing address.
• Professional data: company name.
• Data regarding the User’s navigation in the Website.In the event that a User submits data belonging to third parties, he or she declares to have obtained fromsuch third parties the appropriate consent and undertakes to provide the information contained hereinto those third parties, exempting FRENETIC from any liability in this regard.Notwithstanding the foregoing, FRENETIC may carry out the necessary verifications to confirm thissituation in accordance with the applicable regulations.
The processing of the User’s data by FRENETIC is based on in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679(General Data Protection Regulation) and in the Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection ofPersonal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, regarding the performance of the contract for theprovision of a service to which the User is party, as well as, depending on the case, the legitimate interestpursued by FRENETIC and the consent obtained from the User, who might withdraw it at any time. Inparticular, FRENETIC processes the data based on the following legal basis:
a) Managing the contractual relation with the User for the provision of the services rendered byFRENETIC: The processing of data with this purpose is based on the fulfilment of thecontractual relation.
b) Answering the inquiries made by the Users through the channels provided for this purpose:The processing of data with this purpose is based on the consent of the User, who maywithdraw it at any time. In the event that the User withdraws his or her consent, FRENETIC would not be able to process the enquiry made.
c) Sending of commercial communications: The processing of data with this purpose is based onthe legitimate interest, which is granted to the data controller by the applicable regulations.This legitimate interest is based on the consideration of the User’s interest, as clients of FRENETIC, to be informed of their services by direct marketing means, as long as the User hadnot previously expressed their objection to receive them.
d) Profiling: The processing of data with this purpose is based on the User’s consent, that he orshe gives at the time of the registration, and which may be withdrawn at any time.
All the data provided by the User through the Platform may be shared with:
a) Public Administrations, to the extent necessary to comply with applicable law.
b) Courts, to the extent necessary to comply with applicable law.
c) Banks and financial entities, for the fulfilment of the contractual relation.The recipients indicated in this section may be located within or outside the European Economic Area, inthe latter case being duly legitimized international data transfers.
The User may send a letter to the address Avda. de Córdoba 15, 4º A1, E-28026 Madrid (Spain) or by e-mail to with the Reference "Data Protection", at any time and free of charge, toexercise the following rights, which are recognized to the User as a data subject in accordance with the GDPR:
a) Right of access:The User has the right to obtain from FRENETIC confirmation as to whether or not personaldata concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to thepersonal data and information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personaldata concerned, the recipients to whom the personal data is disclosed, and the envisagedperiod for which the personal data will be stored, among other information.
b) Right to rectification and erasure:The User has the right to obtain from FRENETIC the erasure of personal data concerning himor her where one of the legal grounds applies, among other reasons when the data is no longernecessary for the purposes for which it was gathered. The User also has the right to obtain therectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her.
c) Right to restriction of processing, right to withdraw consent and right to object, totally orpartially, to processing:The User may, under certain circumstances (for example, in the event that the User refutes theinaccuracy of his or her data for as long as the accuracy is verified), ask for the restriction ofthe processing of his or her personal data, which will then only be processed for theestablishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.The User also has the right to withdraw the consent granted, and to object, on grounds relatingto his or her particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning him orher which is based on the legitimate interest of FRENETIC. In this case, FRENETIC will nolonger process the personal data unless it demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for theprocessing.
d) Right to data portability:The User has the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she hasprovided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format and havethe right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from FRENETIC, inthe cases foreseen in the regulations to this effect.
e) Automated individual decision-making:In addition to the aforementioned rights, when decisions are made based solely on automatedprocessing, including profiling, the User has the right to obtain human intervention on the partof FRENETIC, to express his or her point of view and to contest the decision.
f) Other:When personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organization, theUser has the right to be informed of how he or she may access or obtain a copy of theappropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.The User may lodge a complaint in relation to the processing with the supervisory authority,when he or she considers that his or her rights set forth in the applicable regulations have beenviolated.
The data provided by the User will be stored on the Platform’s databases for the following periods:Data provided for the managing of the contractual relation with the User for the provision of the servicesrendered by FRENETIC: the data provided for the managing, processing, and following of the servicescontracted will be stored as long as the contractual relation is in force, and once it has ended, for theperiod of prescription of the legal actions that may derive from it. Data used to answer the inquiries made through the contact channels provided: the data will be storedfor the period of time necessary to process and answer the inquiry, and after for the period of prescriptionof the legal actions deriving from said inquiry.Data used for the sending of commercial communications: the data will be processed for that purposeuntil the User objects to such processing or withdraws his or her consent.Data used with the purpose of profiling, obtained from third-parties: the data used for this purpose willnot be stored for a period of time longer than one year.
One of the purposes for which FRENETIC processes the personal data provided by Users is to send themelectronic communications with information regarding products, activities, services, and promotionsabout the services provided in the localities in which FRENETIC services are offered. Electroniccommunications of this type will be sent to the Users as long as they have not previously expressed theirrefusal to receive them.Should the User wish to stop receiving commercial or promotional communications from FRENETIC, heor she may request cancellation of the service by sending an email to the following email address:, or indicating it by means of the unsubscribe option provided in each of thecommercial communications that are sent.
The User guarantees that he or she is over eighteen (18) years old and that the data he or she provides toFRENETIC is real, accurate, complete and updated. To this effect, the User is responsible for the veracityof the data that he or she provides, and will keep it updated so that it reflects his or her current state.The User guarantees that, when he or she provides personal data concerning third-parties, the User hasinformed them of the content of this Privacy Policy. Moreover, the User undertakes to have obtained theconsent of the data subject to give his or her data to FRENETIC for the aforementioned purposes.The User is responsible for the inaccurate, false or out-of-date information that he or she providesthrough the Platform, and for the damages, both direct and indirect, that this may cause to third-parties.
will process at all times the personal data of the User in a confidential manner and keeping theduty of secrecy with regard to said data, in compliance with the applicable regulations. Taking intoaccount the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks, FRENETIC hasimplemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the safety of the data and toavoid its alteration, loss, unauthorized access or processing. FRENETIC reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy when it deems appropriate, in which case it willbe communicated to the Users. For this reason, please check this Privacy Policy regularly to read the mostrecent version.
The User declares to have been informed of the conditions on data protection, accepting the content ofthis Privacy Policy.
Frenetic Electronics, S.L. (informs the Users that they have the right to file a claim with the SpanishAgency for Data Protection — Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, AEPD —, located at C/Jorge Juan 6, E-28001 Madrid (Spain), when they have not obtained a satisfactory response in theexercise of Their rights.More information about the AEPD in